Aluel Atem

A South Sudan Where My Body Belongs to Me: That’s All

Global, Published June 18, 2022
Aluel Atem is a Development Economist who has a keen interest in Gender and Conflict Transformation. She is an African Feminist Activist who believes change is not only limited to offline and in-person engagements, media too is an effective tool for social change. She utilizes every space she occupies to initiate and or challenge narratives that reinforce gender stereotypes and roles. She hosts Gender Talk 211 an African-Feminist platform where South Sudanese explore and share resources, knowledge, experiences and skills that facilitate conversations on Gender.

Aluel Atem: When girls are commodified, education becomes a luxury

Global, Published April 19, 2022
Aluel M.B Atem is a Development Economist who has a keen interest in Gender and Conflict Transformation. She is an African Feminist Activist who believes change is not only limited to offline and in-person engagements, media too is an effective tool for social change. She utilizes every space she occupies to initiate and or challenge narratives that reinforce gender stereotypes and roles. She hosts Gender Talk 211 an African-Feminist platform where South Sudanese explore and share resources, knowledge, experiences and skills that facilitate conversations on Gender.

Aluel Atem: Driving and riding as female in South Sudan

Global, Published December 14, 2021
Aluel M.B Atem is a Development Economist who has a keen interest in Gender and Conflict Transformation. She hosts Gender Talk 211 - an African-Feminist platform where South Sudanese explore and share resources, knowledge, experiences and skills that facilitate conversations on Gender. She co-founded Crown the Woman-South Sudan and currently sits on the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism Board as the South Sudan Women’s Coalition for Peace Representative.