Founded in 2021

The Mission

Missing Perspectives is a leading media company and newsroom filling the gap in young female storytelling across news and entertainment.

Our mission is to platform diverse storytellers from around the world and share their unique experiences and perspectives with the knowledge that these perspectives are often overlooked or absent from traditional newsrooms. As young women, our storytellers have a unique angle on political, social and cultural affairs.

The Gates Foundation Missing Perspectives of Women in News report found that women's representation in the news has flatlined. Approximately 26% of Gen Z women said that they were underrepresented in the news, and that mainstream news does not give their gender enough coverage.

By giving a platform to these perspectives, our company aims to positively influence other media outlets, public policy and decision-making at the highest levels. Articles published on Missing Perspectives have already led to real world social impact. We currently reach over 1M+ people across 120 countries.

Our stories are shared with our global community through film, audio, our website and newsletter, social and digital channels. We also partner with brands to create impactful content that both platforms and speaks to young women around the world. We're constantly pushing for diversity and inclusion in news and media.

The Directory

In addition to delivering original news and content for young women, we are also in the process of building a Missing Perspectives Directory – a first-of-its-kind workforce solution and SaaS product connecting young female reporters and expert sources with leading national and international newsrooms. The Directory will be launching in March 2024 across Australia and North America.

Support our work

Want to get onboard and help us platform the world's best up-and-coming young female reporters and creators? Subscribe to our dedicated member newsletter, and receive exclusive updates from the founding team. Feeling generous and want to make a one-off contribution to Missing Perspectives? Here’s a link.